Croatia Videos

Croatia has a wide range of sports facilities and tournaments for all kinds of sports. This video will give you a taste of how sporty Croatia is, whether you wish to participate or just be a spectator, there is alway something to enjoy.

Only 3 kilometres from the Istria coast lays the Brioni Islands.Archaeology has found habitation from prehistoric times and there are many ruins on the islands from fort hill settlements to luxurious villa complexes, one of the most sumptuous being the country castle in the bay of Veriga, built in the first century A.D.

From 1331 the Brioni Islands were under venetian rule, this lasted 4 centuries. In 1891 the Brioni islands were bought by the Austrian industrialist Paul Kupelwieser he transformed the islands into one of the most startling resorts of its time. Different animals were also introduced to the island and a zoo park.

In 1947 the islands became the official residents of Tito, president of the former Yugoslavia, until his death in 1980. The islands now are of national park status and are visited by thousands tourists each year.

Istrian hams,salmon,molluscs,crab,seabass,scampi, tagliatelle,lasagne,risotto,mussels,oysters,scallops,truffles, beef steaks,pork cutlet,lamb,and wild asparagus. This is only a hint of the various dishes and ingredients available here in Istria. This region is also famous for its wine production malvazija, muskat, and the red wine of teran being the most widely produced. Agro-tourism is becoming very popular in Istria and if you are looking for a wine and culinary holiday,this region will not disappoint you.









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